Vintage Legend focuses on the unrestored vehicle, and includes American brands.

This program provides status, recognition, provenance and appreciation to unrestored vehicles. The certification team provides each owner with a detailed listing of our findings in a comprehensive report. Our goal is to uncover new information, share it with you and act as a repository for factory standards and processes. For our program goals and details click on the icon Vintage Legend Program Goals Our certification teams consists of judges Brett Merryman, Steve Shauger, Chris White, Roger Gibson, Jim Cunningham, Rick Campbell, Frank Badalson and Scott Tiemann. and incorporates other specialists based on make and model. Each core team member possesses over 30 years experience as restorers, collectors, historians and judges in the hobby. Typically we spend 3 hours on each car examining in detail every segment of your car including placing it on a lift for the underbody and suspension. The MCACN show is the perfect venue to have your vehicle certified. You will be among and exclusive group of enthusiast who participate in this new exciting event.



2024 Will Be a GREAT Car Cruise Season! Come Hang With The Club!