
Advertising on this website:
We have several spots available to place your ads.
Your submitted ad should be ready to run, and does NOT include the design/creation of the ad itself.
(we can make you an ad to fit any of these spots for a one-time $15 fee)
Your ad can link to anywhere you would like (your website, facebook page, ebay listing, etc., or not linked at all if needed).

We reserve the right to refuse any and all ads that we feel are inappropriate for our readership audience, or for any other reasons.

top spot

* Homepage Top Spot.

(above the slider, “The Latest Action From The Motor City’s Part of The World!”).

Ad sizes are (up to) 1000 pixels wide by 200 pixels high.

(Minimum size for this area is 500 pixels wide by 100 pixels high).

The cost for 1 month is $20.00.


middle spot

* Homepage Middle Spot.

(next to our “Subscribe to Stay Up to Date!” area).

Ad sizes are (up to) 500 pixels wide by 500 pixels high.

(all ads are scaled down to a 325×325 maximum size).

(the perfect size ad for this area is 250×250 or 300×300).

The cost for 1 month is $10.00


bottom spot

* Homepage Bottom Spot.

(at the very bottom of the page).

(THIS spot is also shown on every other page on this website as well!)

Ad sizes are (up to) 800 pixels wide by 250 pixels high.

(Minimum size for this area is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high).

The cost for 1 month is $30.00.


sidebar spot

* Sidebar Spot, On EVERY page on this website, that has a right sidebar:

(the sidebar is consistent throughout the entire website, and your ad will be shown on ALL of the pages on this website that have a sidebar).

Ad sizes are (up to) 200 pixels wide by 500 pixels high.

The cost for 1 month is $30.00.


Use our contact form to discuss your options.
Longer term discounted rates are available (minimum 6 month runs) if desired.
Ads run in the order received, your ad will appear in the next available time slot, for the chosen space, if currently taken.

GO HERE to place your order for advertising on this site.

We look forward to working with you!


2024 Will Be a GREAT Car Cruise Season! Come Hang With The Club!